Xingmin Wang

Xingmin Wang

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

University of Michigan


I am currently working as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Michigan, supersived by Dr. Henry Liu. I received my Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering and Scientific Computing at University of Michigan in 2023, also supervised by Dr. Henry Liu. My research interests include traffic flow theory, traffic network modeling, traffic control, and urban computing, particularly with connected and automated transportation. My research works are founded on a variety of methodologies including Bayesian statistics, network science, machine learning, and optimization. I have extensive experience in the processing, mining, and visualization of geospatial data such as traffic road networks and vehicle trajectories.

  • Traffic Flow and Network Model
  • Traffic Simulation
  • Traffic Operation and Control
  • Connected and Automated Transportation
  • PhD in Civil Engineering and Scientific Computing, 2023

    University of Michigan

  • BE in Automotive Engineering, 2018

    Tsinghua University


Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Michigan
September 2023 – Present Michigan
Adjunt Lecturer
University of Michigan
September 2023 – December 2023 Michigan
Taught CEE 551 Traffic Science with Dr. Henry Liu and Dr. Xintao Yan.



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(2024). Traffic State Estimation and Uncertainty Quantification at Signalized Intersections with Low Penetration Rate Vehicle Trajectory Data. Submitted to Transportation Science.

PDF arXiv

(2024). Traffic light optimization with low penetration rate vehicle trajectory data. Nature Communications 15, Article number: 1306.

PDF Video DOI News from UofM Local 4+

(2023). Field‐tested signal controller to mitigate spillover using trajectory data. Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.


(2023). Traffic signal control under stochastic traffic demand and vehicle turning via decentralized decomposition approaches. European Journal of Operational Research 310(2).

Cite DOI

(2023). Trajectory Data Processing and Mobility Performance Evaluation for Urban Traffic Networks. Transportation Research Record 2677(3).

Cite DOI